Download fetch app
Download fetch app

Pairing this with a solution on base64 to blob in JavaScript solves the problem nicely with minor alterations to the get JavaScript function: let blob = this.base64toBlob(data. Notice how I'm returning an anonymous object with the name, content type and base64 string representation of the file. I've gone for a simpler solution, namely: public async Task Get(int id)īase64String = Convert.ToBase64String(file.Bytes) I can't explain why my solution above didn't work, but some other tests have revealed that the problem is more likely than not in the back-end C# WebApi controller method as my payload can be seen missing. I'm using Aurelia as my front-end framework. More Info: httpFetch is a wrapper of fetch by Aurelia (aurelia-fetch-client). To install Fetch: Rewards On All Receipts on your Windows PC or Mac computer, you will need to download and install.

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The type and filename are correct and it does auto-download, but I end up with a file that's 336 bytes and unreadable. How to download and install Fetch: Rewards On All Receipts on your PC and Mac. Here's a preview of the payload according to Chrome network tools. Link.href = (data) ĭ(link) // Required for FF The raw file itself is kept in the byte of file.Bytes.Īnd here's a JavaScript function that calls it: get(fileId, fileName) `) = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment") = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(file.ContentType) HttpResult.Content = new ByteArra圜ontent(file.Bytes) Var httpResult = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)

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I have a C# controller method that constructs a HttpResponseMessage with a file as follows: public async Task Get(int id) Download movies and TV shows onto your phone or tablet to watch on the go. Watch content from the Movie and TV Stores in SD.

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In this example the file is 125 KB and of type image/png. Welcome to the Fetch Mobi App With the Fetch Mobi App, you can use your phone or tablet to enjoy Fetch at home or on the go: Buy and rent Movies from the Movie Store. I feel like I'm so close to getting this right.

Download fetch app